Multi-Story wood construction is a cost-effective and sustainable solution that is gaining the attention of design professionals nationwide. Currently, the International Building Code (IBC) allows wood-frame construction to exceed five stories for occupancies such as residential, commercial, institution and governmental. As a result, RISA is becoming more popular among structural engineers due to its ability to model, analyze and design wood structures for gravity and lateral loads according to a variety of building codes.
Effortlessly create multi-story wood buildings including shear walls, flexible wood diaphragms and specialty wood products (glulam, LVL, joists) in RISAFloor/RISA-3D.
Easily create and apply complex shear wall layouts by leveraging wall panel templates.
Utilize various diaphragm types (flexible, rigid or semi-rigid) for accurate lateral load distribution, no matter what the project requires.
Designing Podium Buildings? Leverage seamless integration between RISA-3D & ADAPT-Builder for transfer slab design.
Explore the powerful features of RISAFloor for designing wood members with efficiency and precision, using elements such as sawn lumber, LVLs, glulam and prefabricated wood joists.